Kumppani elämäsi retkillä

Tuovilan Gummi on palvellut renkaiden ja pienkoneiden parissa jo vuodesta 1989.
Meidät tunnetaan ystävällisestä ja asiantuntevasta palvelusta sekä korkean laadun tuotteista.
Meiltä saat kaiken tarvitsemasi kelkkoihin, mönkijöihin sekä renkaisiin liittyen.

Lynx – ja Ski-Doo -moottorikelkat

Can-Am -mönkijät

Renkaat kottikärryistä pyöräkoneisiin

Moottorikelkkojen ja mönkijöiden huollot ja korjaukset, BRP:n valtuuttama huoltoliike

BRP -varusteet

Varaosat moottorikelkkoihin ja mönkijöihin
ota yhteyttä
Kirjoita meille viesti, otamme yhteyttä mahdollisimman pian. Jos haluat, että soitamme, lisää myös puhelinnumero viestin loppuun.
the repair and balancing of the tire went like a model, quickly got the job done and a big thank you to the employee, this was a good way to continue the vacation
Great workshop! While traveling around northern Scandinavia, we had a hole in the wheel. They helped us right away and replaced the burst tire. Professionals!
I received excellent service when I was there, it felt like they were genuinely interested
Fantastic!Family of 4 with tire accident 5 km from holiday destination.Arranged this as soon as they opened and called to say that the car was ready, great service and good price.Very satisfied! 🙂
I went there with a "slick" tire. The staff is really kind and they helped me very quickly to get back on the road.English:If you get stuck with a tire problem, you will be helped there very quickly and easily. The prices are good and everyone is very reliable.
Super good experience!We had an urgent problem with a damaged tire on our caravan. We had it changed to a new one and could drive on in less than half an hour!Very friendly and competent staff, can only be recommended!10 stars from here!!
Truck and car tyres, snowmobiles and all. Good prices, excellent service
They helped us out by repairing a tyre while we were on a 6 week road trip. Very friendly and solution focussed. We could continue safely.